Friday 19 February 2010

Lecture 9 - Nostelgia

Nostalgia is a "sentimental longing for earlier days when summers were hotter, days were longer, food was tastier and people were friendlier, lends itself to some traditional, long-lasting brands that many consumers remember from childhood" (Wright, R. 2000).
The Hovis Bread advert from 2008 is a brilliant example as it shows a boy literally running through time, showing the significant moments of different eras.

For marketers, the key is finding the right music and images, which do not even need to directly relate to their products, as long as warm feelings are stirred up. It is the emotion generated from that good feeling that influences people's evaluation of the advertised offer.

Different types of people have different products or memories that make them individually feel nostalgic. Personally; the things that make me feel nostalgic are...

The seaside, family life, and dogs.

Furby, coke cola, and fairy costumes.

Spice Girls, The Pogues, and festivals such as Global Gathering.

These are all things that I have grown up with, and instantly make my emotions happier when reminiscing about them.

Below is a collage of this that make me Nostalgic :)

Marketers have been using nostalgia as a way of pitching their products for as long as people have been talking about “the good old days.” Look at how things like fashion and music keep coming around in cycles, fueled by generations buying the things they loved for their own children.


  1. Ouch - stops a bit short compared with your other postings....

  2. hey Ruth for some reason my mood board has disappeared so I thought I would remind you that it was there :)
